Bionika Medline Kft.

Szabad CNC forgácsoló alkatrész gyártási kapacitásainkat ajánljuk Interested!


Beginning of membership: 2018
Address: H-3516 Miskolc, Tégla utca 29.
Phone: (+36-70) 670-6875

Field of activity

Development, manufacture and trade of implants and medical instruments


BIONIKA Medline Orvostechnikai Kft. was founded in 1989. We have 30-year-experience in development, production and trade of medical products in the fields of dentistry, oral surgery, traumatology and orthopedics.

The name „BIONIKA” marks a scientific thinking that combines biology, technology and electronics in our researching and developing work. Our products are developed in collaboration of doctors and engineers, enabling us to ensure quality and efficiency. The quality of the is guaranteed by design, manufacturing and quality management according to the European Union laws. We operate according to the EN ISO 9001 and the EN ISO 13485 quality management. Our products are provided with CE marks.

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